SPECIAL FOR THIS WEEK- 24 miles Graveloko Route!
This week Thursday we will be introducing our new Graveloko route! 24 miles of gravel coming at you! Que loco! GPX file here…https://www.strava.com/routes/3205260089952807988
We will have a still pacer on our 12 mile route and if you want to ride our regular Gravelicious route (19 miles) feel free to follow your heart.
We will have two groups that will leave the shop at 6:30pm
***New for this year***
Our weekly gravel rides will have pace partners. On the longer route we will have people designated to riding 15mph and 18mph. On the short course we will have someone riding 12mph. You are welcome to ride any speed you like but you can always look to the pacers for consistent speed and route info.
*The longer route will be about 19 miles and should be considered a drop ride. The lead group will be going about 18-20mph. The rest of the group will spread out significantly. We will have pacers going 16mph and 19mph
*The short course will be 12 miles (12-15mph). We will have one pacer at 12mph.
You can find routes/gpx files here...
12 miles- Gravelite
19 miles- Gravelicious
24 miles- Graveloko
*We will have maps and cue sheets available for both routes.